You can see signal on wednesday...:-)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Forex Prediction Thursday 22 July 2010
GBP/USD still under pressure, beware with 1.5020 area as the reversal point action.
Happy trading
note: you can use this prediction as alternative, manage your own risk.
if you want to copy my written, dont forget to put the link source yeah....wwkkkwkw
Happy trading
note: you can use this prediction as alternative, manage your own risk.
if you want to copy my written, dont forget to put the link source yeah....wwkkkwkw
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Pepatah bijaksana bijaksini
Kowe iku padahanging jagat.
Padhangmu kudu sumunar ana ing ngareping wong,
supaya wong sumurup panggawemu becik,
banjur mulyakake Ramamu kang ana ing swarga.
Ngelmu iku kelakone kanthi laku
senadjan akeh ngelmune
lamun ora ditangkarake lan ora digunakake
ngelmu iku tanpa guna
Padhangmu kudu sumunar ana ing ngareping wong,
supaya wong sumurup panggawemu becik,
banjur mulyakake Ramamu kang ana ing swarga.
Ngelmu iku kelakone kanthi laku
senadjan akeh ngelmune
lamun ora ditangkarake lan ora digunakake
ngelmu iku tanpa guna
MARKET TALK:EUR May Fall More;EU Banks' Stress Test Ahead Eyed
2313 GMT [Dow Jones] EUR falling, will likely extend losses throughout day as "it's difficult to buy the euro now ahead of (Europe banks') stress test results" due on Friday,with investors staying cautious, says head of finance at major Japanese trading firm. EUR/USD last at 1.2890, may trade in 1.2820-1.2930 with small amount of stop-loss selling orders around 1.2820. EUR/JPY may trade in 112.00-112.75 vs last 112.50. USD/JPY falling due to selling by Asian short-term funds ahead of Fed Chief Bernanke's speech later in day on speculation he will take dovish tone. Last at 87.27, declines from 87.00 will be limited due to bids from Japan postal services there, he says. Tips in 86.80-87.50 range.
Forex Prediction Wednesday 21 July 2010

GBP/USD preference sell from 1.5270 area with target @1.5200 then 1.5150 extension 1.5080. RSI down slip.
Happy trading 5:15 am wib (GMT+7)
Monday, July 19, 2010
WORLD FOREX: Euro Rises Modestly Vs. Dollar; Stress Tests Eyed
By Frances McInnis
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)-- The euro rose modestly against the dollar Monday as investors anticipated that stress tests of European banks will show the region's financial system is sound.
Steadily rising investor confidence over Europe's ability to right its troubled banking sector propelled the common currency above the $1.30 level for the first time in two months late last week. There is room for the euro to rise even higher, analysts said, if the stress tests go well. Nerves ahead of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's testimony to Congress on Wednesday also weighed on the dollar against the euro. Investors will be listening closely to Bernanke's remarks for further clues as to the pace of the U.S. economic recovery.
After several weeks in which concerns about the U.S. recovery took center stage in currency markets, the initial results from stress tests, due Friday, are now dominating trading, said Julia Coronado, economist at BNP Paribas in New York.
The euro rose, showing that "on balance, people have become a bit optimistic," about the results of the stress tests," said Coronado.
With the Japanese markets closed for a national holiday, and trading flows already light due to the summer season, movements in currency markets were tentative.
Late Monday, the euro was at $1.2945 from $1.2927 late Friday, according to EBS via CQG. The dollar was at Y86.86 from Y86.61, while the euro was at Y112.45 from Y111.95. The U.K. pound was at $1.5231 from $1.5298. The dollar was at CHF1.0549 from CHF1.0519.
The ICE Dollar index, which tracks the dollar against a trade-weighted basket of currencies, was at 82.591 from 82.535.
To see the euro's performance against the dollar, please see:
The Committee of European Banking Supervisors is testing 91 banks to see whether they can withstand a three-percentage-point decline in gross domestic production from European Commission forecasts for 2010 and 2011. The committee will also test the banks for resilience to sovereign risk at a level beyond the market conditions experienced in early May.
The ability of the stress tests to soothe investor concerns will rely on the robustness of the tests, as well as the results, said Jessica Hoversen, fixed income and foreign exchange analyst at MF Global in Chicago.
Despite some uncertainty over how the tests were administered, investors remain positive about the tests, said Simon Smollet, senior foreign-exchange options strategist at Credit Agricole CIB in London.
"Banks will need extra capital, but hopefully the capital will be a reasonable amount that the market can provide," he said.
The common currency's gains on Monday came despite some negative headlines out of Europe.
Moody's Investors Service cut Ireland's rating Monday, to Aa2 from Aa1, with a stable outlook. The agency cited a rising debt burden, the high cost of rebuilding the country's banking system and sluggish growth as factors in the decision.
In Hungary, the forint fell to its lowest levels in more than a year after negotiators for the International Monetary Fund and European Union walked away from funding talks because Hungary hadn't delivered on required austerity measures.
The breakdown in talks between Hungary and the multilateral bodies has implications beyond Eastern Europe, as it offers a clear sign that international aid is tied to strict conditions.
The U.K. pound gave back some recent gains on the greenback, slipping modestly on the day. But attention remained on the pound as an alternative to the dollar, euro and yen as Singapore's state investment company Temasek Financial Ltd priced its first sterling-denominated bond issue Monday, raising a total of GBP700 million.
With the ICE Dollar Index strengthening slightly, Deutsche Bank's PowerShares U.S. Dollar Index Bearish exchange-traded fund was down 0.12% from late Friday, while its PowerShares U.S. Dollar Index Bullish was up 0.08%. The two exchange-traded funds are based on Deutsche Bank currency futures indexes, whose composition mirrors that of the ICE's Dollar Index.
-By Frances McInnis, Dow Jones Newswires
source: The Wall Street Journal
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)-- The euro rose modestly against the dollar Monday as investors anticipated that stress tests of European banks will show the region's financial system is sound.
Steadily rising investor confidence over Europe's ability to right its troubled banking sector propelled the common currency above the $1.30 level for the first time in two months late last week. There is room for the euro to rise even higher, analysts said, if the stress tests go well. Nerves ahead of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's testimony to Congress on Wednesday also weighed on the dollar against the euro. Investors will be listening closely to Bernanke's remarks for further clues as to the pace of the U.S. economic recovery.
After several weeks in which concerns about the U.S. recovery took center stage in currency markets, the initial results from stress tests, due Friday, are now dominating trading, said Julia Coronado, economist at BNP Paribas in New York.
The euro rose, showing that "on balance, people have become a bit optimistic," about the results of the stress tests," said Coronado.
With the Japanese markets closed for a national holiday, and trading flows already light due to the summer season, movements in currency markets were tentative.
Late Monday, the euro was at $1.2945 from $1.2927 late Friday, according to EBS via CQG. The dollar was at Y86.86 from Y86.61, while the euro was at Y112.45 from Y111.95. The U.K. pound was at $1.5231 from $1.5298. The dollar was at CHF1.0549 from CHF1.0519.
The ICE Dollar index, which tracks the dollar against a trade-weighted basket of currencies, was at 82.591 from 82.535.
To see the euro's performance against the dollar, please see:
The Committee of European Banking Supervisors is testing 91 banks to see whether they can withstand a three-percentage-point decline in gross domestic production from European Commission forecasts for 2010 and 2011. The committee will also test the banks for resilience to sovereign risk at a level beyond the market conditions experienced in early May.
The ability of the stress tests to soothe investor concerns will rely on the robustness of the tests, as well as the results, said Jessica Hoversen, fixed income and foreign exchange analyst at MF Global in Chicago.
Despite some uncertainty over how the tests were administered, investors remain positive about the tests, said Simon Smollet, senior foreign-exchange options strategist at Credit Agricole CIB in London.
"Banks will need extra capital, but hopefully the capital will be a reasonable amount that the market can provide," he said.
The common currency's gains on Monday came despite some negative headlines out of Europe.
Moody's Investors Service cut Ireland's rating Monday, to Aa2 from Aa1, with a stable outlook. The agency cited a rising debt burden, the high cost of rebuilding the country's banking system and sluggish growth as factors in the decision.
In Hungary, the forint fell to its lowest levels in more than a year after negotiators for the International Monetary Fund and European Union walked away from funding talks because Hungary hadn't delivered on required austerity measures.
The breakdown in talks between Hungary and the multilateral bodies has implications beyond Eastern Europe, as it offers a clear sign that international aid is tied to strict conditions.
The U.K. pound gave back some recent gains on the greenback, slipping modestly on the day. But attention remained on the pound as an alternative to the dollar, euro and yen as Singapore's state investment company Temasek Financial Ltd priced its first sterling-denominated bond issue Monday, raising a total of GBP700 million.
With the ICE Dollar Index strengthening slightly, Deutsche Bank's PowerShares U.S. Dollar Index Bearish exchange-traded fund was down 0.12% from late Friday, while its PowerShares U.S. Dollar Index Bullish was up 0.08%. The two exchange-traded funds are based on Deutsche Bank currency futures indexes, whose composition mirrors that of the ICE's Dollar Index.
-By Frances McInnis, Dow Jones Newswires
source: The Wall Street Journal
Forex Prediction Tues 20 July 2010
GBP/USD prefered sell position from 1.5270 area, with target 1.5150 area in extension 1.5080 area.
EUR/USD complicated since the stress test 91 banks in EUROPE.
Happy Trading
EUR/USD complicated since the stress test 91 banks in EUROPE.
Happy Trading
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Forex Prediction Monday 19 July 2010
GBP/USD prefered Sell position from 1.5320 with target 1.5190 area
The pair has broken its support and still under pressure.
EUR/USD prefered Sell position from 1.2910 with target 1.2750 area.
This pair also broken its supports.
Happy trading
The pair has broken its support and still under pressure.
EUR/USD prefered Sell position from 1.2910 with target 1.2750 area.
This pair also broken its supports.
Happy trading
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Tips Sukses Trading Forex
Bagaimana ya caranya agar kita bisa sukses di dunia trading? Apakah mungkin menjadi full time trader? Pertanyaan ini mungkin sering terpikirkan setiap trader, apalagi yang baru saja terjun di dunia forex, saham, dan sejenisnya. Welcome to the jungle! Thats would I say...hehehe
So what gitu loh, apa-apaan sih bang ciko kok jadi ngawur, wkwkwkkw
Tapi beneran loh, market itu ibarat hutan belantara atau mungkin juga lautan yang penuh berbagai binatang buas, mungkin juga setan nya ada kali qqqq,,,,oughhhhh,,,,macem-macem lah, ada jebakan, perangkap, trap bahkan mungkin kematian MC, loss alamak segala macam lah yang bikin trader ga punya harapan lagi di market atau forex.
Uhhhh,,,lalu kok masih berharap juga mendulang profit di forex market??? sudah tau market itu kejam, lebih kejam dari ibu tiri dan ibu kota wkwkwkwkwk, apa masih mungkin sukses di forex market???
Nah, buat yang sudah mulai putus asa, cobalah mulai sekarang koreksi dirimu, apa yang salah selama ini pada dirimu?
Menurut survey nih ye, ane dengar-dengar 95% traders jadi losser! Wew serem banget neh, berarti cuma sisanya yang 5% aja yang ga jadi lossers.
Hmmmmm,,,itulah faktanya, silahkan tanya kiri kanan mu sekarang, adakah mereka masuk yang 5% tersebut, ataukah mereka masuk kategori yang 95% itu? wkwkwkwkwkwk
Ughhhh om ciko bikin kesal dan jengkel aja neh, ngapain juga ngebaca blog ini kalo cuma mau ngebahas 95% atau 5% itu, bosannnnnnnn, kami liat blog om bukan untuk ngebahas itu om!!! kami butuh signal, prediksi, tips dan trik, news, info-info seputar market....ekekekekeke sabar ya, om ngajak kalian merenung sejenak, perlahan-lahan nanti kita lanjut ke topik-topik yang semua traders harapkan...qqqq
Nah, om ciko cuma sekedar membagikan beberapa tips biar trading kita makin mantep biar profit selalu beserta kita setiap hari. Katanya mau sukses di forex, bahkan mau jadi full time trader.
Nah kalo mau sukses, mesti ada aturannya ya, lha sekolah aja ada aturannya, belajar juga ada aturannya, trading pun ada aturannya, Dunia ini aja aturannya tuh, kenapa benda bisa jatuh, karena ada aturannya yaitu hukum gravitasi, kenapa bisa terjadi siang dan malam, karena ada aturannya, bumi berputarlah yang menyebabkan terjadi nya siang dang malam tersebut, siapa yang buat aturannya? ya pastilah yang menciptakan nya. Hmmmmm, aturan lagi aturan lagi, bosan ya, tapi emang kita harus buat aturan biar terjadi keserasian dan keharmonisan "in harmonia progresio". wkwkwkwkwk
Okelah, kalo begitu apa aturannya om? To the point aja om udah ga kukuh lage neh, dah ga kuat nahan lagi oughhhhhh udah hampir keluar nich,,,,qqqqq
Husssss di tahan bentar ya....
Om ciko pernah baca dari sebuah buku tentang belajar forex, beberapa aturan/rules agar kita selamat saat masuk hutan belantara atau lautan forex, wuihhh apa aja itu om? berikut ini dia beberapa tips agar trading mu tidak ngaco qqqq:
1. Mulailah dengan doa atau apa kek, penenangan diri mungkin, semedi, sembahyang apalah itu nama nya yang bisa bikin kamu rilex, ga tegang, awas muncrat ntar kalo tegang mulu, wkwkwkwk kalo perlu sebelum kamu trading kamu bertapa dulu di gunung kidul cari wangsit atau bersemedi di pantai laut selatan sono....wwkwkwkwkw
Ga salah loh, sepanjang tujuan kita untuk penengan diri, bukan maksud yang lainnya, misalnya melakukan adegan-adegan terlarang seperti yang heboh akhir-akhir ini video-video syur bintang porno Indonesia qqqqq
2. Sebaiknya trading cukup 5 hari aja dalam seminggu, ingat itu! heheheh lha iyalah emang sabtu dan minggu kan market nya libur. Upssss bentar dulu, siapa yang bilang market hari sabtu dan minggu libur? Om jelasin nih, market itu ga pernah libur, selama aktivitas perdagangan menggunakan mata uang ada, maka disitu telah terjadi transaksi, cuma saja data nya mungkin tidak di upload oleh intermarket/interbank secara online, itulah kenapa hari senin kadang terjadi gap. Apaan tuh gap? gap itu perbedaan harga penutupan dan harga pembukaan.
Misal gbp/usd hari jumat ditutup di kisaran 1.53000, lalu hari senin saat pembukaan online interbank/intermarket harga gu ternyata di buka di kisaran 1.52000 berarti ada selisih antara harga penutupan sabtu dengan harga pembukaan senin, wah kok bisa ini terjadi? nah itulah dia, ketika hari sabtu dan minggu kita tidak tau apa saja kegiatan perdagangan mata uang di belahan hutan belantara sana, mungkin saja ada investor yang menjual poundsterling dalam jumlah besar dan menukarnya dengan mata uang usd, sehingga nilai usd menguat terhadap poundsterling. Inilah yang menyebabkan gap tadi.
Nah berarti sabtu dan minggu bisa juga trading ya om? ya bisa aja, kalo ente mau beli mata uang di spot bank, atau mungkin lewat money changer yang online via bank.
Wah baru tau nih om, ternyata bisa aja ya trading hari sabtu dan minggu, tak kirain selama ini trading cuma sampe hari jumat aja heheheheh.
Nah kembali ke tips kita tadi sebaiknya cukup trading 5 hari aja yah, jangan terlalu porsir yach, nanti sakit wkwkkwkw, siapkan waktu untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga, gunkan hari sabtu dan minggu untuk istirahat, ingat dan kuduskanlha hari Sabbat ;-)
3. Nah buat para part time trader nih, ga perlulah tiap hari bertransaksi, kalo memang hari ini kamu ga punya waktu buat trading jangan terlalu di paksakan yo...ingat market ga pernah berhenti, besok lusa minggu depan tahun depan market tetap buka, masih banyak waktu buat trading lagi qqqq
4. Nah ini nich penyakit trader-trader yang mulai kena sindrom greedy, sudah pasang target, tapi karena pengen untung lebih trading lagi, akhirnya malah loss, hayoo yang salah siapa? broker? market? coba tadi berhenti, udah kipas-kipas menikmati profit yang tadi. Jadi intinya kalo target kamu sudah tercapai sebaiknya berhenti aja hari itu. Masih ada hari esok, jangan serakah coy! Market hanya akan membayar orang-orang yang disiplin pada aturan qqqq
5. Mulai sekarang perbanyak baca berita yang berhubungan dengan forex, economi, politik juga, yach yang berhubungan dengan market itu banyak faktor, ga cuma seputar ekonomi, kadang isu bencana alam pun bisa mengguncang market, atau berita seputar olahraga pun kadang bisa menggerakkan market, ini nama nya berita fundamental,,gitu loh qqqqq
6. Mulai sekarang disiplin yach, kalo kamu mau sukses di forex, kamu buat aturan atau system trading mu sendiri, boleh kok mencontoh aturan trading orang lain, tapi ingat aturan mereka belum tentu sesuai dengan gaya trading kamu, trading itu ibarat kebiasaan, kalo kamu biasa makan nasi, jangan paksakan kamu makan roti, ntar perutmu malah kembung. Bagusnya sih buat aturan sendiri lebih baik, kalo kamu terbiasa melihat chart pake time frame 30menit, jangan paksakan menggunakan time frame 1h atau 5m, nanti kamu makin bingung dan akhirnya system trading mu makin kacau, yang ada malah loss be with you everyday wkwkwkwk
7. Istirahat dan olahraga secara teratur, biar badan kamu sehat, jangan kamu pikir olahraga dan istirahat itu ga penting, justru itu sangat penting, karena saat kamu trading tekanan darah kamu itu meningkat dari biasanya, kadang drop jadi kalo jantung mu ga sehat, bisa mampuslah nanti kau di depan komputer/laptop melihat chart naik turun ga ada aturannya. wkwkwkwkwkwkwk
8. Terakhir Dont marry with Your Trade!
Buat prioritas, ingat kisah Michael Markus, yang sampe berpisah dengan istrinya gara-gara ga sempat kasih perhatian sama keluarganya, perhatiannya mungkin sudah 90% sama trading nya. Uh aku paling takut juga jangan sampe jadi seperti dia, buat apa kita sukses jadi trader, punya banyak uang, tapi ga bisa menikmati hidup.
Lifes is beautiful, I love You Honey ;-)
This is my original writen, if you want to copy it, please make sure you put the source link! GBU
Posted by cikolord at 5:15 am 18th July 2010
So what gitu loh, apa-apaan sih bang ciko kok jadi ngawur, wkwkwkkw
Tapi beneran loh, market itu ibarat hutan belantara atau mungkin juga lautan yang penuh berbagai binatang buas, mungkin juga setan nya ada kali qqqq,,,,oughhhhh,,,,macem-macem lah, ada jebakan, perangkap, trap bahkan mungkin kematian MC, loss alamak segala macam lah yang bikin trader ga punya harapan lagi di market atau forex.
Uhhhh,,,lalu kok masih berharap juga mendulang profit di forex market??? sudah tau market itu kejam, lebih kejam dari ibu tiri dan ibu kota wkwkwkwkwk, apa masih mungkin sukses di forex market???
Nah, buat yang sudah mulai putus asa, cobalah mulai sekarang koreksi dirimu, apa yang salah selama ini pada dirimu?
Menurut survey nih ye, ane dengar-dengar 95% traders jadi losser! Wew serem banget neh, berarti cuma sisanya yang 5% aja yang ga jadi lossers.
Hmmmmm,,,itulah faktanya, silahkan tanya kiri kanan mu sekarang, adakah mereka masuk yang 5% tersebut, ataukah mereka masuk kategori yang 95% itu? wkwkwkwkwkwk
Ughhhh om ciko bikin kesal dan jengkel aja neh, ngapain juga ngebaca blog ini kalo cuma mau ngebahas 95% atau 5% itu, bosannnnnnnn, kami liat blog om bukan untuk ngebahas itu om!!! kami butuh signal, prediksi, tips dan trik, news, info-info seputar market....ekekekekeke sabar ya, om ngajak kalian merenung sejenak, perlahan-lahan nanti kita lanjut ke topik-topik yang semua traders harapkan...qqqq
Nah, om ciko cuma sekedar membagikan beberapa tips biar trading kita makin mantep biar profit selalu beserta kita setiap hari. Katanya mau sukses di forex, bahkan mau jadi full time trader.
Nah kalo mau sukses, mesti ada aturannya ya, lha sekolah aja ada aturannya, belajar juga ada aturannya, trading pun ada aturannya, Dunia ini aja aturannya tuh, kenapa benda bisa jatuh, karena ada aturannya yaitu hukum gravitasi, kenapa bisa terjadi siang dan malam, karena ada aturannya, bumi berputarlah yang menyebabkan terjadi nya siang dang malam tersebut, siapa yang buat aturannya? ya pastilah yang menciptakan nya. Hmmmmm, aturan lagi aturan lagi, bosan ya, tapi emang kita harus buat aturan biar terjadi keserasian dan keharmonisan "in harmonia progresio". wkwkwkwkwk
Okelah, kalo begitu apa aturannya om? To the point aja om udah ga kukuh lage neh, dah ga kuat nahan lagi oughhhhhh udah hampir keluar nich,,,,qqqqq
Husssss di tahan bentar ya....
Om ciko pernah baca dari sebuah buku tentang belajar forex, beberapa aturan/rules agar kita selamat saat masuk hutan belantara atau lautan forex, wuihhh apa aja itu om? berikut ini dia beberapa tips agar trading mu tidak ngaco qqqq:
1. Mulailah dengan doa atau apa kek, penenangan diri mungkin, semedi, sembahyang apalah itu nama nya yang bisa bikin kamu rilex, ga tegang, awas muncrat ntar kalo tegang mulu, wkwkwkwk kalo perlu sebelum kamu trading kamu bertapa dulu di gunung kidul cari wangsit atau bersemedi di pantai laut selatan sono....wwkwkwkwkw
Ga salah loh, sepanjang tujuan kita untuk penengan diri, bukan maksud yang lainnya, misalnya melakukan adegan-adegan terlarang seperti yang heboh akhir-akhir ini video-video syur bintang porno Indonesia qqqqq
2. Sebaiknya trading cukup 5 hari aja dalam seminggu, ingat itu! heheheh lha iyalah emang sabtu dan minggu kan market nya libur. Upssss bentar dulu, siapa yang bilang market hari sabtu dan minggu libur? Om jelasin nih, market itu ga pernah libur, selama aktivitas perdagangan menggunakan mata uang ada, maka disitu telah terjadi transaksi, cuma saja data nya mungkin tidak di upload oleh intermarket/interbank secara online, itulah kenapa hari senin kadang terjadi gap. Apaan tuh gap? gap itu perbedaan harga penutupan dan harga pembukaan.
Misal gbp/usd hari jumat ditutup di kisaran 1.53000, lalu hari senin saat pembukaan online interbank/intermarket harga gu ternyata di buka di kisaran 1.52000 berarti ada selisih antara harga penutupan sabtu dengan harga pembukaan senin, wah kok bisa ini terjadi? nah itulah dia, ketika hari sabtu dan minggu kita tidak tau apa saja kegiatan perdagangan mata uang di belahan hutan belantara sana, mungkin saja ada investor yang menjual poundsterling dalam jumlah besar dan menukarnya dengan mata uang usd, sehingga nilai usd menguat terhadap poundsterling. Inilah yang menyebabkan gap tadi.
Nah berarti sabtu dan minggu bisa juga trading ya om? ya bisa aja, kalo ente mau beli mata uang di spot bank, atau mungkin lewat money changer yang online via bank.
Wah baru tau nih om, ternyata bisa aja ya trading hari sabtu dan minggu, tak kirain selama ini trading cuma sampe hari jumat aja heheheheh.
Nah kembali ke tips kita tadi sebaiknya cukup trading 5 hari aja yah, jangan terlalu porsir yach, nanti sakit wkwkkwkw, siapkan waktu untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga, gunkan hari sabtu dan minggu untuk istirahat, ingat dan kuduskanlha hari Sabbat ;-)
3. Nah buat para part time trader nih, ga perlulah tiap hari bertransaksi, kalo memang hari ini kamu ga punya waktu buat trading jangan terlalu di paksakan yo...ingat market ga pernah berhenti, besok lusa minggu depan tahun depan market tetap buka, masih banyak waktu buat trading lagi qqqq
4. Nah ini nich penyakit trader-trader yang mulai kena sindrom greedy, sudah pasang target, tapi karena pengen untung lebih trading lagi, akhirnya malah loss, hayoo yang salah siapa? broker? market? coba tadi berhenti, udah kipas-kipas menikmati profit yang tadi. Jadi intinya kalo target kamu sudah tercapai sebaiknya berhenti aja hari itu. Masih ada hari esok, jangan serakah coy! Market hanya akan membayar orang-orang yang disiplin pada aturan qqqq
5. Mulai sekarang perbanyak baca berita yang berhubungan dengan forex, economi, politik juga, yach yang berhubungan dengan market itu banyak faktor, ga cuma seputar ekonomi, kadang isu bencana alam pun bisa mengguncang market, atau berita seputar olahraga pun kadang bisa menggerakkan market, ini nama nya berita fundamental,,gitu loh qqqqq
6. Mulai sekarang disiplin yach, kalo kamu mau sukses di forex, kamu buat aturan atau system trading mu sendiri, boleh kok mencontoh aturan trading orang lain, tapi ingat aturan mereka belum tentu sesuai dengan gaya trading kamu, trading itu ibarat kebiasaan, kalo kamu biasa makan nasi, jangan paksakan kamu makan roti, ntar perutmu malah kembung. Bagusnya sih buat aturan sendiri lebih baik, kalo kamu terbiasa melihat chart pake time frame 30menit, jangan paksakan menggunakan time frame 1h atau 5m, nanti kamu makin bingung dan akhirnya system trading mu makin kacau, yang ada malah loss be with you everyday wkwkwkwk
7. Istirahat dan olahraga secara teratur, biar badan kamu sehat, jangan kamu pikir olahraga dan istirahat itu ga penting, justru itu sangat penting, karena saat kamu trading tekanan darah kamu itu meningkat dari biasanya, kadang drop jadi kalo jantung mu ga sehat, bisa mampuslah nanti kau di depan komputer/laptop melihat chart naik turun ga ada aturannya. wkwkwkwkwkwkwk
8. Terakhir Dont marry with Your Trade!
Buat prioritas, ingat kisah Michael Markus, yang sampe berpisah dengan istrinya gara-gara ga sempat kasih perhatian sama keluarganya, perhatiannya mungkin sudah 90% sama trading nya. Uh aku paling takut juga jangan sampe jadi seperti dia, buat apa kita sukses jadi trader, punya banyak uang, tapi ga bisa menikmati hidup.
Lifes is beautiful, I love You Honey ;-)
This is my original writen, if you want to copy it, please make sure you put the source link! GBU
Posted by cikolord at 5:15 am 18th July 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Forex Prediction Thursday 15 July 2010

Prefer to buy GBP/USD from 1.5180/90 area with targets @ 1.5280/300 & 1.5350/400 in extension.
Alternative scenario:
Below 1.5180 look for further downside with 1.5100 & 1.5000 as targets.
GBP/USD still pull back and continue up trend.
For EUR/USD buy above 1.27 with targets @ 1.2770 & 1.2850 in extension.
Happy Trading
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Forex Prediction Wednesday 14 July 2010

BUY GBP/USD from 1.5100 area with targets @ 1.5200 & 1.5250 in extension.
Alternative scenario:
Below 1.5100 look for further downside with 1.5000 & 1.4950 as targets.
Happy Trading
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Forex Prediction Wednesday 7 July 2010

GBP/USD preference short with targets @ 1.5070 & 1.5020 or lower in extension.
Alternative scenario: Above 1.5200 look for further upside with 1.53 & 1.534 as targets.
- the RSI lacks upward momentum.
- stoch (10,3,3)daily overbought area.
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Hi guys....
Gue sekedar share aja info beberapa broker forex yang kasih bonus modal gratis free (free $5, lumayan buat belajar bagi para pemula) (lagi ada promosi sampe tanggal 10 Juli 2010, bonus free $5) (free $5, tapi leverage nya 1:5 wkwkwkwkwk) (free 50 Euro, promosi sampe tanggal 11 juli 2010, persyaratan agak ribet, siapin scan ktp dan billing address yang sudah kita tandatangani untuk verifikasi, setelah itu ntar mereka kirim balik beberapa dokument yg harus kita print dan tandatangani lalu kirim balik ke mereka)
ok deh segitu aja dulu.
Happy trading
Gue sekedar share aja info beberapa broker forex yang kasih bonus modal gratis free (free $5, lumayan buat belajar bagi para pemula) (lagi ada promosi sampe tanggal 10 Juli 2010, bonus free $5) (free $5, tapi leverage nya 1:5 wkwkwkwkwk) (free 50 Euro, promosi sampe tanggal 11 juli 2010, persyaratan agak ribet, siapin scan ktp dan billing address yang sudah kita tandatangani untuk verifikasi, setelah itu ntar mereka kirim balik beberapa dokument yg harus kita print dan tandatangani lalu kirim balik ke mereka)
ok deh segitu aja dulu.
Happy trading
Monday, July 5, 2010
Forex Prediction Tues 6 July 2010
Nice day and good for start trading again since a couple days ago market made me stress and bad mood ;-)
Today I just make some analisys for GBP/USD and EUR/USD, and you can make it as your second opinion for entering the market.
GBP/USD in asia sesion will go down to 1.4900 area, and in europe sesion will continue fall to 1.4800 area, but in new york sesion it will go up again.
EUR/USD in asia sesion will go down to 1.2400 area, in europe sesion unpredictable, let the market flow as it...;-)
Enjoy and ride the trend
Today I just make some analisys for GBP/USD and EUR/USD, and you can make it as your second opinion for entering the market.
GBP/USD in asia sesion will go down to 1.4900 area, and in europe sesion will continue fall to 1.4800 area, but in new york sesion it will go up again.
EUR/USD in asia sesion will go down to 1.2400 area, in europe sesion unpredictable, let the market flow as it...;-)
Enjoy and ride the trend
Saturday, July 3, 2010
True Story Succesfull Trader Michael Marcus

Michael Marcus is a commodities trader who, in less than 20 years, is reputed to have turned his initial $30,000 into $80 million. Marcus met his mentor Ed Seykota while working as an analyst and learned money management from him. Later while working at Commodities Corporation and before becoming the company's executive vice president, he hired Bruce Kovner to be his assistant and taught Bruce the ins and outs of trading.
He graduated in 1969 Phi Beta Kappa from Johns Hopkins and studied Psychology at Clark University.
At one time he was a devout follower of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. His first wife divorced him because he spent more time trading than with her. He has a mansion with a private beach overlooking the ocean in Malibu, California and he also has a ranch near Austin, Texas. In the 1980s Marcus fell on his back and severely injured his lower back. For weeks after, he suffered chronic low back pain and discomfort in his legs, for which he was diagnosed with lumbar disc herniation and a coccyx injury; he decided against surgery and chose an alternative therapy. He claims to have found pain relief through Prolotherapy treatments and IVSAAT therapy. Delighted with the results he funded the program to build the CAM Research Institute.
Marcus began his trading career in 1972, when he took his whole life savings of $700 and bought plywood futures. In the summer of 1972 President Richard Nixon froze prices of some commodities like wood, but the futures contracts went sky high and Michael turned his $700 into $12,000. He repeated the feat in 1973, turning $24,000 into $64,000. He also used Freight derivatives.
While at Commodities Corporation he hired Bruce Kovner as a trader. As the firm's leading currency trader, Marcus had to wake up every two hours throughout the night to check the markets, which had the negative consequence of ending his first marriage. As a founding trader of the firm, Marcus rose through the ranks at Commodities Corporation eventually becoming an EVP. Marcus has recently diversified by investing in small-company stock through his holding company Canmarc Trading Co and later made private-placement investments in small OTC Bulletin Board listed companies like Prospector Consolidated Resources and Encore Clean Energy Inc and Pink Sheets Touchstone Resources.
ViRexx Medical Corp, a company focused on immunotherapy treatments for certain cancers, chronic hepatitis B and C, and embolotherapy treatments for tumors, announced Marcus's election to its Board of Directors at its Annual General Meeting held May 25, 2006.
In the words of Thomas A Bass, in the book The Predictors: How a Band of Maverick Physicists Used Chaos Theory to Trade Their Way to a Fortune on Wall Street.
One was Michael Marcus, a former trader at the New York Cotton Exchange, who went on to become one of the world's biggest currency speculators. He made a fortune in gold and another fortune in cocoa before moving into trading tanker rates and other indices in the shipping industry. He parlayed a thirty-thousand-dollar stake into an eighty-million-dollar fortune. He owned ten houses in every beautiful place in the world, many of which he had never slept in.
His wife left him, but Marcus was too busy to notice. Trading from a beachside mansion in California, he was waking up every two hours throughout the night to place three-hundred-million-dollar bets on currency markets in Australia, Hong Kong, Zurich, and London. His secret? Marcus is a chartist. He is a trend follower who keeps an eye on market penetration and resistance.
source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kisah Sukses Trader, Michael Marcus (Indonesian Version)

Sebuah kisah pengalaman trader terkadang sukar untuk dipahami, bahwa seorang trader hebat memberikan pengorbanan lebih dari yang kebanyakan orang kira sebelumnya. Pengorbanan trader tidak selalu berkonotasi negatif namun dapat pula positif, tergantung dari pemikiran / penilaian seseorang dalam menanggapinya.
Baru-baru ini, saya mengunjungi salah satu forum trading internasional dan menemukan pembahasan mengenai “The fate of trader” (nasib seorang trader). Thread tersebut ingin mengingatkan para trader untuk menyadari hal – hal penting dalam hidupnya. Disajikanlah beberapa kasus yang menyentuh, dengan harapan agar trader lain tidak menyesal di kemudian hari. Tanggapan pun mengalir, kisah – kisah mereka menjadi inspirasi sekaligus motivasi bagi trader dalam penyeimbang hidupnya (trading – non trading).
Salah satu kisah menarik itu mengangkat nama Michael Marcus, seorang legenda trader komoditi lulusan terbaik psikologi, Universitas Clark’69, AS. Memulai karir tradingnya di tahun 1972, ia mengorbankan uang tabungannya berjumlah 700 US dollar untuk sebuah kontrak futures dan berkembang menjadi 64 ribu US dollar dalam waktu satu tahun.
Reputasi terbaik Marcus dikenal karena telah berhasil melipatgandakan 30 ribu US dollar menjadi 80 juta US dollar dalam waktu kurang dari 20 tahun. Ia juga telah memiliki 10 rumah mewah nan indah di berbagai belahan dunia, yang mungkin saja tidak pernah ditidurinya.
Memang indah benar melihat ladang yang telah digarap Marcus. Namun, pada kenyataannya ia harus siaga setiap 2 jam sekali untuk mengamati keadaan pasar yang selalu berubah. Kesibukan yang luar biasa tersebut, mengakibatkan kisah tragis dalam rumah tangganya. Dalam buku berjudul “The Predictors”, yang dikarang oleh Thomas Bass, terdapat catatan: “His wife left him, but Marcus was too busy to notice.“. Ya benar, istrinya meninggalkannya, karena dia lebih memperhatikan trading dibandingkan orang yang dia cintai.
Sebuah pesan moral yang terangkat adalah, “if you love something, keep trying. However, don’t expect it to be easy”. Tidak mudah memang, namun pantaskah untuk diperjuangkan?? Saya pribadi tidak menyarankan Anda untuk melakukan pengorbanan di luar batas demi meraih sukses dalam trading. Namun, ingin mengingatkan Anda (sebagai trader) agar menyadari pentingnya keseimbangan kehidupan dalam bertrading dan non trading (prioritas).
Terkadang, banyak hal penting yang terlupakan dalam proses pencapaian kesuksesannya. Alangkah baiknya kita memiliki batasan tertentu dalam pencapaian itu dan mulai memperbaikinya secara konsisten, baik itu berhubungan dengan trading ataupun di kehidupan sehari-hari.
Bagaimana dengan kisah pencapaian Anda?. Pengorbanan unik apa yang pernah Anda lewati selama trading? Berbagilah pengalaman Anda bersama kami dan trader lainnya, agar dapat bermanfaat di masa mendatang.
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